
बाजार में बाबा की नई एंट्री! गर्म तवे पर बैठकर भक्तों को दिया जा रहा है आशीर्वाद…वीडियो वायरल


Viral: इन दिनों विवादों में घिरे यूपी के करौली शंकर बाबा के बाद अब एक और बाबा का नाम सामने आया है. महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra) के अमरावती जिले के तिवासा तालुका के मर्दिना बाबा का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर खूब वायरल हो रहा है. वीडियो में महाराज गर्म तवे पर बैठकर भक्तों को तवा दे रहे हैं. इसके साथ ही वह अपशब्दों का इस्तेमाल भी करते नजर आ रहे हैं. बाबा गौरक्षण संस्था चलाते हैं और वहीं उनका आश्रम है.

बात करें तो गर्म तवे पर बैठे बाबा का नाम संत गुरुदास महाराज है. वायरल हो रहे वीडियो में संत गुरुदास गर्म तवे पर बैठे हुए हैं. सफेद धोती पहने बाबा लोगों को आशीर्वाद दे रहे हैं. कुछ लोग उनके पीछे खड़े थे और कुछ आगे. बाबा जिस गर्म तवे पर बैठे हैं उसके नीचे आग जलती हुई दिखाई दे रही है. अचानक बाबा ने अपशब्द कहे तो पास खड़े लोगों ने उनका सिर कपड़े से ढक दिया। तभी बाबा किसी को गाली देते हैं और चप्पल उतारने को कहते हैं.

मैं कोई मज़ाकिया बाबा नहीं हूं:
संत गुरुदास महाराज बाबा के वायरल वीडियो के बारे में बात करते हुए उन्होंने कहा, मैं कोई चमत्कारी बाबा नहीं हूं और न ही मैं अंधविश्वास में विश्वास करता हूं. महाशिवरात्रि के दिन आश्रम में भण्डारा हुआ। उस समय वह तवे पर बैठा था और नीचे लकड़ियाँ जल रही थीं। एक भक्त ने वीडियो बनाया और यह वायरल हो गया है।” बाबा का कहना है कि उनका तवे पर बैठने का जो वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है, उसे रोका जाए. बाबा ने हाथ जोड़कर ये विनती की है.


देखिए अंधश्रद्धा उन्मूलन समिति के सचिव ने क्या कहा?
वहीं, बाबा के वायरल वीडियो पर अंधविश्वास उन्मूलन समिति के सचिव हरीश केदार कहते हैं, ये कोई चमत्कार नहीं है. मिट्टी और ईंट के तवे को गर्म होने में 30 से 40 मिनट का समय लगता है। लकड़ी जलाने के बाद सबसे पहले मिट्टी और ईंट को गर्म किया जाता है। चूंकि मिट्टी नम है, इसलिए इसे गर्म होने में समय लगता है।

Superstition refers to beliefs or practices that are not based on scientific reasoning or evidence but are rooted in tradition, folklore, or cultural customs. These beliefs often involve the idea that certain actions, events, or objects can influence one’s fate, either bringing good luck or causing bad luck.

Common Examples of Superstitions

  1. Breaking a Mirror:
    • Belief: Breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck.
    • Origin: This superstition may have originated from the ancient belief that mirrors reflect a person’s soul, and breaking one could harm the soul.
  2. Friday the 13th:
    • Belief: The number 13 is unlucky, and Friday the 13th is considered an especially unlucky day.
    • Origin: This superstition has roots in various historical and religious events, with Friday being the day of the crucifixion in Christian belief and the number 13 often associated with misfortune.
  3. Black Cats:
    • Belief: A black cat crossing your path brings bad luck.
    • Origin: In medieval Europe, black cats were often associated with witches and evil spirits, leading to the belief that they brought bad luck.
  4. Walking Under a Ladder:
    • Belief: Walking under a ladder brings bad luck.
    • Origin: This superstition may have originated from the Christian belief in the Holy Trinity. A ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, and walking through it was seen as breaking the Trinity, which could invite misfortune.
  5. Knocking on Wood:
    • Belief: Knocking on wood can prevent bad luck or reverse it.
    • Origin: This practice may stem from ancient beliefs that spirits or gods resided in trees, and knocking on wood was a way to call upon their protection.
  6. Spilling Salt:
    • Belief: Spilling salt is bad luck, but throwing a pinch of it over your left shoulder can ward off the bad luck.
    • Origin: Salt was historically valuable, and spilling it was considered wasteful and unlucky. The act of throwing it over the shoulder was thought to blind the devil who might be lurking there.
  7. Lucky Horseshoe:
    • Belief: Hanging a horseshoe above a door brings good luck.
    • Origin: Horseshoes, made of iron, were believed to ward off evil spirits. Hanging one with the ends pointing up was thought to collect good luck, while pointing down would let the luck spill out.

Why Superstitions Persist

  1. Cultural Tradition:
    • Superstitions are often passed down through generations, becoming a part of cultural identity and tradition. They persist because they are ingrained in the collective consciousness of a community.
  2. Psychological Comfort:
    • Superstitions can provide a sense of control in uncertain situations. Believing in a ritual or action that can bring good luck or prevent bad luck gives people a feeling of agency over their fate.
  3. Pattern Recognition:
    • Humans are naturally inclined to look for patterns and connections. Superstitions often arise from coincidences where people link two unrelated events and believe one caused the other.
  4. Reinforcement:
    • When a superstition “works” (e.g., someone avoids bad luck after knocking on wood), it reinforces the belief. Even if it’s just coincidence, the positive outcome strengthens the superstition.

The Role of Superstitions in Modern Society

While many superstitions may seem irrational, they still play a significant role in modern society. They can influence behavior in subtle ways, from athletes performing rituals before a game to individuals avoiding certain actions on unlucky days. Superstitions can also be seen in the design of buildings (e.g., skipping the 13th floor) and in everyday decisions.

Critical Perspective

  • Skepticism: From a scientific perspective, superstitions are often viewed as irrational beliefs that lack empirical evidence. Critical thinking and education are often promoted as ways to overcome superstitions.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: While some may dismiss superstitions as mere folklore, they are an important part of many cultures and should be respected as such. Understanding the cultural context of superstitions can provide valuable insights into the values and history of a society.


Superstitions are a fascinating blend of history, culture, and psychology. Whether one believes in them or not, they offer a window into the human desire to make sense of the world and exert some control over the unknown. While many people today may view them as quaint or amusing, superstitions continue to influence behavior and traditions around the world.

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