
सूरत में फुटपाथ पर सो रही 7 साल की बच्ची का अपहरण कर उसके साथ रेप किया गया. Watch the CCTV video


वर्तमान में सूरत समेत कई ऐसे शहर हैं जिनमें रेप के मामले दिन-ब-दिन बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। इसी बीच एक बार फिर ऐसा मामला सामने आया है जिसमें एक आदिवासी परिवार की मासूम बच्ची रेप का शिकार हो गई. आधी रात को हवासखोर ने अपनी मां के साथ सो रही सात साल की बच्ची को उठाकर दुष्कर्म किया। पुलिस ने कुछ ही घंटों में अपराधी को पकड़ लिया और लड़की की मेडिकल जांच कराई।

पुराने लालगेट थ्री रोड के पास फुटपाथ पर रहने वाली मूल रूप से अंकलेश्वर की एक महिला भीख मांगकर अपना गुजारा करती है। उनकी सात साल की बेटी है. कल 15 तारीख को सुबह 3 बजे बच्ची अपनी मां के साथ फुटपाथ पर सो रही थी. तभी जम्मू पठान नाम के युवक ने लड़की का मुंह पकड़ लिया. लड़की को पास के विवाह शोरूम के फुटपाथ पर ले जाया गया और उसके साथ बलात्कार किया गया। हालांकि काफी मशक्कत के बाद लड़की नराधम की पकड़ से छूटकर अपनी मां के पास आ गई.

इस बीच, जम्मू पठान भाग गये। बच्ची ने जब पूरी सच्चाई बताई तो मां के पैरों से जमीन खिसक गई। इस संबंध में मां ने स्थानीय लोगों के साथ जम्मू पठाण की खोजबीन की। हालांकि इसकी कोई जानकारी नहीं होने पर पुलिस में शिकायत दर्ज की गई. पुलिस ने सीसीटीवी के आधार पर जांच शुरू की और कुछ ही घंटों में जम्मू पठान को पकड़ लिया.


जम्मू के पठान आदतन अपराधी हैं। इसके अलावा उनके खिलाफ मारपीट और धमकी समेत अन्य अपराध दर्ज किए गए हैं. और पुलिस ने पहले भी उसका पीछा किया था. पुलिस द्वारा लड़की की मेडिकल जांच भी करायी गयी है. वहीं आगे की जांच एससीएसटी सेल के एसीपी आरके झाला कर रहे हैं.

Legal statute against kidnapping 🤗

Kidnapping is a serious crime that involves the unlawful taking, transporting, or confinement of a person against their will. It is recognized as a criminal offense in legal systems around the world, and various statutes and laws address it. Here are the key points about the legal statute against kidnapping: 🤗

1. Definition of Kidnapping

  • Basic Definition: Kidnapping typically involves the forcible abduction or detention of a person, often for ransom, as a form of coercion, or for other illegal purposes.
  • Elements of the Crime: The core elements of kidnapping usually include:
    • Unlawful Taking or Confinement: The victim is taken or confined against their will.
    • Lack of Consent: The victim did not consent to the abduction or confinement.
    • Intent: The perpetrator had the intent to detain, conceal, or transport the victim for an unlawful purpose.

2. Legal Consequences

  • Felony Offense: Kidnapping is classified as a felony in most jurisdictions, meaning it is considered one of the most serious types of crimes.
  • Severity of Penalties: The penalties for kidnapping can be severe, including long prison sentences, heavy fines, and, in some cases, life imprisonment or the death penalty, depending on the jurisdiction and circumstances (e.g., if the victim was harmed or killed).

3. Aggravating Factors

  • Use of Weapons: If a weapon is used during the kidnapping, it often results in harsher penalties.
  • Targeting Vulnerable Individuals: Kidnapping of vulnerable individuals, such as children or the elderly, is typically treated more severely under the law.
  • Crossing State or National Borders: Kidnapping that involves crossing state or national borders can lead to federal charges, especially in the United States.

4. Federal Laws (U.S. Example)

  • Lindbergh Law (Federal Kidnapping Act): In the United States, the Lindbergh Law (passed in 1932 after the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh’s son) makes it a federal offense to transport a kidnapped person across state lines. This law allows federal authorities, such as the FBI, to get involved in kidnapping cases.
  • Other Federal Statutes: There are additional federal statutes in the U.S. that address kidnapping related to specific circumstances, such as kidnapping for ransom, sexual exploitation, or terrorism. 🤗

5. International Laws

  • Human Trafficking: Kidnapping can also fall under the broader category of human trafficking, especially when the purpose is exploitation. International laws, such as the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, address these crimes.
  • Extradition Treaties: Many countries have extradition treaties that allow for the transfer of suspects across borders to face kidnapping charges in the jurisdiction where the crime occurred. 🤗

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6. Prosecution Process

  • Investigation: Law enforcement agencies typically treat kidnapping cases with the highest priority, often involving specialized units.
  • Trial and Sentencing: The prosecution must prove the elements of kidnapping beyond a reasonable doubt. If convicted, the defendant is sentenced according to the severity of the crime, with consideration of any aggravating or mitigating factors.

7. Victim Support and Protection

  • Protective Measures: Many legal systems provide protective measures for victims and their families, including restraining orders, witness protection programs, and access to counseling services.
  • Restitution: Courts may order convicted kidnappers to pay restitution to victims for any physical, emotional, or financial harm caused.

8. Prevention and Public Awareness

  • Public Campaigns: Governments and organizations often conduct public awareness campaigns to educate people about the dangers of kidnapping, particularly focusing on child safety and online predators.
  • Community Programs: Community-based programs and law enforcement initiatives often focus on preventing kidnapping through education, monitoring, and rapid response systems like AMBER Alerts. 🤗

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9. Legal Reforms

  • Updating Laws: Many countries regularly update their kidnapping laws to address emerging threats, such as cyber-related abductions, and to ensure that the legal framework remains robust in protecting potential victims. 🤗

Kidnapping is a grave offense with strict legal consequences, reflecting the seriousness with which societies view the protection of personal liberty and safety. Legal statutes against kidnapping are designed to deter this crime and ensure that perpetrators face significant punishment. 🤗

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