
What is Ethanol Blended Petrol?


What is Ethanol Blended Petrol?

The biofuel known as ethanol, also referred to as ethyl alcohol or alcohol, has the chemical formula C2H5OH. It is made spontaneously through the fermentation of sugar. It is mostly created in India during the extraction of sugarcane. However, other organic materials, such cereal grains, can also be used to make it.

The Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Program was launched by the Modi government to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.


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What is the benefit of blending Ethanol in Petrol?

Because ethanol encourages full combustion, studies have shown that using E20 gasoline results in greater reductions in carbon monoxide emissions, which are 50% lower in two-wheelers and 30% lower in four-wheelers. According to research, hydrocarbon emissions have decreased by 20%, but there is no clear trend in nitrous oxide emissions because they depend on the kind of engine and the environment in which it was working.

A small number of petrol stations in 11 states and union territories began selling 20% ethanol-laced Petrol (E20 Petrol) on Monday as part of an effort to increase the usage of biofuels in order to lower emissions and reliance on currency-depleting imports. Currently, 90% petrol and 10% ethanol are blended together, but by 2025, the government intends to treble that amount.

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What is E20 Petrol?

Ethanol, commonly known as C2H5OH, is created naturally when sugar is fermented. Though it can also be produced using other organic sources, such as cereal grains, it is mostly generated by extracting sugar from sugarcane.India has started blending ethanol with gasoline as part of its efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

This program is known as Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP). As a result, the nation will utilize fewer fossil fuels. The E10 target was previously declared to have been met, meaning that 10% of the nation’s gasoline now contains ethanol.

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E20 Petrol: Advantages of E20 Petrol

The third-largest oil consumer and importer will depend less on foreign imports if it uses ethanol made from sugarcane, broken rice, and other agricultural products.

At the moment, 85% of India’s oil needs are met by imports. Additionally, it reduces carbon emissions.

E20 is expected to lower carbon monoxide emissions in two-wheelers and four-wheelers by around 50% and 30%, respectively, when compared to E0 (neat gasoline).

It is anticipated that passenger automobiles and two-wheelers will both reduce their hydrocarbon emissions by 20%.

India imported crude oil of USD 120.7 billion from April 2021 to March 2022, during the fiscal year 2021–2022.

In the first nine months of the current fiscal year (April 2022 to December 2022), oil imports cost USD 125 billion.

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