
How does The HTML5 video work? | HTML video


How does HTML5 video work? | HTML video


HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. Unlike eariler versions of the HTML, HTML5 enables developers to easily add video to the webpages with the  video tag.


What is the HTML5?

HTML5 is the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), a coding language for the formatting content on the Internet. All webpages use HTML to tell browsers how to display their content. Balance to earlier versions of the HTML, HTML5 has been number of extra features, one of which is the ability to the add videos to a webpage. Other HTML5 features involve support for SVG graphics, tags for the defining the navigation on a website, and header and footer tags.

How does the HTML5 video element work?

The HTML5 video element tells the browser to the load a video file from the another source by specifying the video file’s location, similar to the method a browser loads an image file (the image itself is not stored in the HTML file — the browser pulls it from somewhere else). Width, height, and other credit can also be involved to tell the browser how to display the video. Other markup code can be tell the browser where to place it on the page.

The HTML5 video work Video

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  <source src=”example.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>


The following important attributes also can be go inside the <video> tag:

Width: This specifies the video’s width in the pixels. The number of pixels goes between the quotation marks: width=”370″

Height: This specifies the video’s height. It was works similarly to the width attribute.

Play, pause, volume: These controls enable the user to control video playback. Add the controls to the <video> tag to involve them.

Alternate sources for the video can be also go between the <video> tags in case a browser does not support the first file format. Browsers always use the first source listed.

In extension, text can be placed between the <video> tags; this text is displayed only if the user’s browser does not be support HTML5 video.

Putting it all together, HTML5 code for an the embedded video might look like this:

<video controls width=”370″ height=”130″>

  <source src=”example.mp4″ type=”video/mp4″>

  <source src=”alternate-example.webm” type=”video/webm”>

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.


A number of the other attributes, such as the auto play (to play the video as soon as the page loads), loop (to loop videos), muted (to mute videos), and poster (to show an image before the video loads), can be used within the video element as well. Mozilla has been good documentation around these attributes.

What is streaming protocol is used with the HTML5?

HTML5 is not itself a streaming protocol. Websites built with the HTML5 can use many different streaming protocols to play video, involving HTTP live streaming (HLS) and MPEG-DASH. This is configured on the server side, not in the HTML markup code.

Also Read :- How To Make The Tag Maker ?

Do all browsers carry HTML5?

All many browsers carry HTML5, meaning they can be interpret HTML5 tags that were not part of earlier versions of the HTML. Still, not all browsers support all features of the HTML5. Developers have to keep in mind that some users might have an outdated version of the browser that cannot be interpret the HTML5 video element.

How did websites involve video content before HTML5?

Before the release of HTML5 in 2008, videos were most often embedded by the using the Adobe Flash plugin. HTML5 enabled developers to embed videos on the webpages using just a few HTML tags, eliminating the necessary for the plugin. As a result, Flash became less needed, and Adobe finally stopped supporting Flash on the December 31, 2020.

Today, most users can be stream video without an the additional browser plugin, and developers can use a variety of way for the embedding videos without relying on a plugin. The HTML5 video element is one of the most used methods for the doing so.


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